Site icon Joe Reitz | Photos + Blog

Hello World! (A blog about nothing)

I’ve created several blogs over the years, but typically ended up walking away for some reason or another. Typically it was because I had some lofty purpose in mind that I either didn’t quite achieve or lost the motivation to keep pursuing. The difference this time is I have no agenda. If Seinfeld were a blog, it’d be this site.

I might post about my hobbies, philosphical musings, marketing operations (read: work), or just assail you with photos of my dog. I can’t stress this enough: I don’t have a plan. Honestly what I write here is mostly for my own mindfulness, reflection, and eventual nostalgia. It’ll give me an opportunity to keep flexing my creative muscles in a variety of mediums and maybe even bone up some technical skills (I mean, it’s a wordpress site, but I’ve been very interested lately in learning more front end web development).

Anyway, enjoy your time here. Or don’t. In case it wasn’t clear, this is more for me than you.

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