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ChatGPT: Write me a blog post about how to become a better human

and make it hilarious.

That was the prompt. This was the result:

Alright, hold onto your hats, folks. Today, we’re going to talk about how to become a better human – and let’s face it, we all need a little help in that department.

First things first: practice empathy. Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Empathy? I don’t even understand my own feelings, let alone someone else’s!” But fear not, my friends. Empathy is just a fancy way of saying “put yourself in someone else’s shoes”. So next time your co-worker is crying in the bathroom, ask yourself – “How would I feel if my cat died?” and offer them a tissue.

Next up, let’s talk about honesty. Honesty is the best policy, they say. But let’s be real – sometimes, lying is just easier. So, to become a better human, you need to master the art of lying without getting caught. For example, instead of admitting you didn’t do your work, just blame it on a faulty printer. It’s not your fault technology failed you, right?

Moving on, let’s discuss patience. Patience is a virtue, apparently. But let’s face it, waiting in line is the worst. So, to become a better human, you need to learn to wait without losing your mind. Bring a book, listen to music, or just stare at the wall – whatever it takes to keep from screaming obscenities at the poor cashier who has nothing to do with the slow line.

Finally, let’s talk about kindness. Kindness is the key to a happy life, they say. But let’s be real – sometimes, people are just annoying. So, to become a better human, you need to learn how to be kind without losing your cool. Smile, nod, and pretend to listen – even if you’re really just planning your escape route.

In conclusion, becoming a better human is no easy feat. But with a little empathy, honesty, patience, and kindness, you can get there – or at least pretend to be a decent human being. Good luck out there, folks.

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