I am the Beastmaster..?

It’s been a great week for animal sightseeing in the Pacific Northwest.

Haleigh and I had an impromptu picnic at Lighthouse Beach in Mukilteo. The mere suggestion of fish & chips probably was convincing enough for me by itself, but the prospect of a sunset walk on a beach also sounded nice. After a brief walk, we sat on some driftwood and enjoyed the views over the water. We heard a collective gasp rise up from the beach and stood up just in time to spot an orca emerge ~30 yards from where I normally put in my kayak.

It was an awesome experience. Try as I might, I just can’t describe the feeling of seeing something so big lurking in the waters so close to shore.

A few days later, I kayaked on Lake Washington. Usually that’s a fairly uneventful paddle (views of Rainier aside and not at all taken for granted), but at the end I noticed this bald eagle resting on a buoy.