PNW Sunrise

Yesterday I woke up at my usual 0630 (the unusual part was it was Sunday) and saw the sky was on fire. Metaphorically.

I play things a little fast and loose with my camera settings these days. I’m too much of a control freak to use auto-ISO, so this was set at 800 ISO. I didn’t specifically have to stop down all the way to f/16 but I did anyway to maximize the depth of field and overall image quality. That meant the shutter speed was going to be fairly slow, and I fired off a few bursts between 1/20s and 1/50s. Technically speaking you should keep your shutterspeed’s denominator to your lens’ focal length for handheld shots. In this case I was shooting with a 50mm f/1.2, so 1/50s is the “textbook” minimum shutterspeed. With all the anti-human technology built into cameras lately though, I was able to handhold this at 1/40s or 1/30s, which combined with the aperture was still slow enough to silhouette the trees against the dawn light.