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Great Sand Dunes National Park

Yesterday we drove ~1.5 hours from Brad & Kim’s Salida home to check out the sand dunes. We had a lot of fun, got absolutely covered in sand, and were glad we did it despite some initial reluctance from a couple of the adults. Tilly made a sand angle. The rest of the pictures speak for themselves:

I am the Beastmaster..?

It’s been a great week for animal sightseeing in the Pacific Northwest. Haleigh and I had an impromptu picnic at Lighthouse Beach in Mukilteo. The mere suggestion of fish & chips probably was convincing enough for me by itself, but the prospect of a sunset walk on a beach also sounded nice. After a brief walk, we sat on some…

ChatGPT: Write me a blog post about how to become a better human

… and make it hilarious. That was the prompt. This was the result: Alright, hold onto your hats, folks. Today, we’re going to talk about how to become a better human – and let’s face it, we all need a little help in that department. First things first: practice empathy. Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Empathy? I don’t…

A New Kind of Exhausted

To say I’m exhausted is a little reductive. It’s probably more accurate to say I feel eroded. I’ve got a lot on my plate. The most serious thing is worrying about Haleigh. For the past 18 months or so, she’s been struggling with keeping her bloog sugar levels in a healthy range. This reached a breaking point a little over…

Hello World! (A blog about nothing)

I’ve created several blogs over the years, but typically ended up walking away for some reason or another. Typically it was because I had some lofty purpose in mind that I either didn’t quite achieve or lost the motivation to keep pursuing. The difference this time is I have no agenda. If Seinfeld were a blog, it’d be this site….

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