Joe Reitz

Photography + Blog

Great Sand Dunes National Park

Yesterday we drove ~1.5 hours from Brad & Kim’s Salida home to check out the sand dunes. We had a lot of fun, got absolutely covered in sand, and were glad we did it despite some initial reluctance from a couple of the adults. Tilly made a sand angle. The rest of the pictures speak for themselves:

I am the Beastmaster..?

It’s been a great week for animal sightseeing in the Pacific Northwest. Haleigh and I had an impromptu picnic at Lighthouse Beach in Mukilteo. The mere suggestion of fish & chips probably was convincing enough for me by itself, but the prospect of a sunset walk on a beach also sounded nice. After a brief walk, we sat on some…

ChatGPT: Write me a blog post about how to become a better human

… and make it hilarious. That was the prompt. This was the result: Alright, hold onto your hats, folks. Today, we’re going to talk about how to become a better human – and let’s face it, we all need a little help in that department. First things first: practice empathy. Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Empathy? I don’t…

Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail

This is one of those aphorisms that most of us would claim to agree with, but we’ve all experienced times where something wasn’t planned well. Planning is not only a learnable skill, but also habit that must be cultivated. It doesn’t matter what field you’re in or what your role is, a failure to plan and account for all the…

A New Kind of Exhausted

To say I’m exhausted is a little reductive. It’s probably more accurate to say I feel eroded. I’ve got a lot on my plate. The most serious thing is worrying about Haleigh. For the past 18 months or so, she’s been struggling with keeping her bloog sugar levels in a healthy range. This reached a breaking point a little over…

On Leadership & Team Dynamics

Leadership is one of those topics that everyone with direct reports assumes they know a lot about. What we often forget, though, is that leadership is not a one-way street; it requires the led to subscribe to a common cause. There’s an old expression: How do you know someone was a Marine? Because they ****ing tell you. I’m not one…

Hello World! (A blog about nothing)

I’ve created several blogs over the years, but typically ended up walking away for some reason or another. Typically it was because I had some lofty purpose in mind that I either didn’t quite achieve or lost the motivation to keep pursuing. The difference this time is I have no agenda. If Seinfeld were a blog, it’d be this site….

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